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 In case you haven't noticed, I've been Tweeting instead of blogging -- go follow me if you miss me. Here's some high points:
 So they say, where Porn goes, technology follows, and while people have been joking and theorizing about 3D full-motion, interactive porn for a while, it sounds like the threshhold into real virtual-reality porn is about to be broken. People with real money and a vested interest in the porn industry are stepping into the world of VR porn, not as an experiment, but as a viable business, especially since the waning interest in still pictures and paying for video has been replaced by free clips on the internet, VR would seem to be the place pornographers could begin to make money, and fill the need for ever-growing interest in not just seeing, but experiencing porn.
 The stats are in -- Pornhub has released its 2014 Year In Review! High points: "step mom" porn is on the rise (break our your amateur video camera, make some stepmom porn, and you'll be on your way to porn stardom before you know it!), mobile porn has beaten sitting at your computer desk, Brazilian women like to watch porn, and Mondays are big days for getting off. If you're like me and are painfully aware of what bandwidth costs for hosting, 130,000 terabytes a month of porn must be fucking expensive.
 Sexy Saffron had a dilemma: husband lost his job, money was dwindling -- so they decide to make porn. However, it's tough to process payments for porn, especially if you want to keep all the money instead of paying fees. Answer? Bitcoin that smut! Since Bitcoin is a decentralized payment processing system, anyone can accept or send payments, provided you actually have some bitcoins to spend. Last year this time, bitcoins were unstable as a ruble on stilts, but it's been consistently around $300 - $400 per coin for months now even though it has had a steady decline, so maybe this'll be the way of porn future: move bitcoin away from the gun-and-drugs market on Tor, and to something respectable and wholesome like fetish porn.
 Grantland has put together the oral history of the filming of Boogie Nights, filling in all the gaps on your favorite not-quite-a-porn-movie-porn-movie. In particular, Gracie's friend Nina Hartley talks about being a porn star in a world of regular-movie-stars, and how just walking around naked was frowned upon.
 Happy Thanksgiving, dear readers! Stuff your favorite pilgrim's turkey tonight, if you know what I mean. (More of the sexy pilgrim below is found here.)
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 When Snapchat announced Snapchat, their micropayment service, literally every story I read that wasn't MSM pointed out how this is going to monetize the exchange of nudes -- and I think this is totally the right thing for the porn industry. The monolithic industrial scale of porn videos has been struggling with thinner and thinner margins as time goes on, but like everything on the internet, when you move to more direct transactions, and on a smaller transaction-size, you do better business through volume. Snapcash is going to the the ebooks of the porn industry -- publishable by anyone, low price, disposable and ephemeral -- bringing an entirely new type of product to an industry that has been lamenting its limits for years now.
 Some brazen entrepeneurs have posted signs around college campuses in New Rochelle, NY, asking for people to audition for porn with the promise of $3,000. What, did Craigslist not work for them? Geez, even out here in Minnesota the "Talent" section of Craigslist is full of porn casting calls. Of course, people on campus are shocked -- shocked! -- to find out that anyone would pay money to film a 19-year-old having sex. What's the world coming to? The newscaster actually went so far as to call up the filmmaker, only to find that the voice mailbox was full, but they did get a text back from Hood Bang Video, who apparently posts signs pretty much everywhere on the east coast, although they don't seem to have any internet presence whatsoever. If that's not a sign that something's off with this porn company, I don't know what is.
 If you think pornstars spend their days surrounded by adoring men, feeding her peeled grapes and massaging her feet, praying that they will be chosen for her next hedonistic romp -- you'd be wrong. Buzzfeed talked to several pornstar actresses and found that - surprise - it's very businesslike and not hedonistic at all. It's almost like one of the biggest money-making industries populated by performers and actors isn't real, and is exaggerated for the enjoyment of the viewing public. Shocked, I'm shocked I tell you.
 This sounds familiar...yes, back in 2009, but re-emphasized in a new study. Conservative regions just can't get enough porn - most porn searches come from red states, despite conservative attempts to reign in and destroy the porn industry and sexual freedom in general. They do make a good point, though: those with a more progressive libido might only have the internet as an outlet for their predilections, while people living elsewhere can, you know, just go have weird sex without threat of arrest or abuse.
 My honeyboops Gracie has a new girl-crush: she's a redhead, she's got big boobs, and she's nerdy, so for some reason Gracie thinks I'll like her too. Kaylee Pond is that new genre of camgirl where they're smart and funny and not just "ooh baby, do you like this?" Well, I'm sure there's some of that, but it usually follows her dressing up like a Star Wars character or something. Plus, she likes baths, so I can't complain there, either. Go check out her cam page, but apparently she's on the tumbly and tweety too.
 Looking for something sexy to do tonight in New York? The show "Sex Mosters" opens at No Romance Galleries. The show, a collection of works from a variety of artists jumps off into the deep end of sexual depravity, which is just the way they like it in TriBeCa, or so I'm told. More examples of the art here, much of which seems to be photography, multimedia collages, or a mix of the two.
 Those PornHub guys have done it again: they have laid out the OS battle in terms of porn usage. So, the next time you're shopping for portables, buy an Android phone and an Apple iPad, those are the leaders for watching people fuck while you're away from home. The most interesting chart is the one below: how long do users stick around? Windows, Mac, and Linux users are all within 30 seconds of each other, with Mac users lasting the longest. So, next time you're feeling amorous, check their PC first: those Windows guys might not last as long!
 Canada is suffering a lack of homemade porn, and the National Post wonders why don't porn makers move to Toronto? Given the anti-porn status of California's lawmaking, Toronto would love to lure some porn makers away from Las Vegas and the other cities benefitting from porn studios on the move.
One problem, though: unlike the film industry's love for Vancouver, I don't know that the porn industry will find the same benefits. Toronto has long, cold winters, a lack of outdoor swimming pools, and lacks the 'cool' factor of Vegas and the California coast. And the biggest drawback: you gotta film porn where the porn stars are. Chicago has its own porn industry, but if you want to work with talent, you go to the talent, not the reverse (unless you make it worth their while, which means a bigger budget). Everything grows slowly, Toronto, but you'll make it: start cultivating your porn stars now, and someday, some way, you'll become a porn capital yourself!
 Austria was up in arms when a video hit the internet showing a large-breasted woman masturbating in a church. It didn't take too long for the blasphemer to be identified - despite her face not being shown, churchgoers recognized her based on the size and shape of her breasts.
Now, the insinuation is that someone put two and two together, recognizing her unclothed boobs as the ones they've seen in the pews covered by a shirt, but this "Babsi" posts porn on the internet as the user Analbabsi, but, suuuure, Austrians, you recognized her "from Church," yeah, right.
 Say what you will about Chinese employee relations, at least one has an awesome benefit package. A company in China rewarded is Employee of the Year with a night with Japanese pornstar Hatano Yui. One can only guess what happened that night, but if you won a night with a pro chef, you expect to eat well; a night with an astronomer, you expect to see the stars. A night with a pornstar?
I did dig around the internet to try and confirm the story, what with the unspecific "company in China" and that this is the one and only news story reporting it. Unless I hear otherwise, I think it's simply the horny dreamings of a lowly foreign-bureau reporter who drinks out of an "Employee Of The Year" coffee mug.
 Remember how Canada requires more home-made porn? Well, that's kinda hard unless you have the pornstars to film. Pegas Productions, a Quebecian...Quebecer? Quebecois, I guess -- anyhow, a Q-town Canadian porn studio was short on male stars, so they set up "Male Porn Star School" and manufactured some stars of their own. For $149, candidates where put through basic training on what the porn job entails, beyond "stick your penis here." Because, as the dozens of rejected candidates learned, being a porn actor is a business, you don't just jump in unprepared.
 After looking at the Americas, how about some Italian porno? I'll have to admit, I didn't even recognize the Italian flag, but if you're looking for something specifically from the country that looks like a boot, watch for the little Italian flag.
Looking at foreign-language tube sites has opened my eyes a bit: OK, there's California's porn industry, and the Eastern European porn sources, and Japan has their own weird-ass porn universe, but if there's anything that's universal, it's people fucking on the internet. World peace? It's embodied in the universal appeal of amateur video online. I'd like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony...
Free amateur porn has revolutionized the internet, and not just because it has driven streaming and chat protocols. Porn generally can't partake in normal business advertising channels, so they had to get creative with how to get the word out. Free galleries started the process, letting other webmasters send referrers in hopes of getting a commission on any actual sale. The current version of this is tube sites, where everyone hopes to be called the best amateur porn video site and rake in their own affiliate sales. The industry is concerned that giving away too much for free is hurting sales, but the large number of profitable porn producers - and the fledgling amateur business - would show that business is still good.
 If Brazil wasn't to your taste, try an amateur porn site like Sex Sosas from a bit further north. It's like Rosetta Stone, but with more boobs: if you ever wanted to learn a language, they say you should immerse yourself in a way that interests you: what better incentive than figuring out Spanish porn titles? You'll know what porno tetonas means in no time! I'm sure there's enough fetishes that turn you off to make the Russian Roulette of foreign-language descriptions to further incentivise learning the language. The sex? That's pretty much done the same way no matter where you look, it's a cross-language universal form of communication.
 Not getting enough Brazil boobs just by watching the World Cup spectators on ESPN? Partake in some Videos Porno! Tanned skin, dark eyes, long legs, rolling rrrs, it's too bad The World Cup only comes around every...four years? Is that right? That seems too long to watch Brazilian babes bouncing in bikinis rooting for their favorite team. If you're looking for some true porno amadores, pursuing latina pornography is a perfectly respectable pasttime. Sure, I don't understand any Spanish or Portuguese, but, hey, the beautiful language isn't what I'm after. Just call me Rodrigo, roll those rrrs, and you'll have me wrapped around your finger.
 The excellent Billion Wicked Thoughts has given us yet another tidbit of interesting info: women enjoy the same sort of porn that men like; feminist porn, while not bad, isn't necessarily what porn-liking women are interested in. Note that the percent of porn-liking women is small, so I offer a slightly different interpretation: the people advocating feminist porn as "porn women like" aren't trying to influence porn-loving women; they're trying to figure out what the other 80% like. The study above pretty much shows that feminist porn isn't it -- but that's not a tragedy, every industry is trying to expand into underserved markets and their products sometimes flop. Keep trying, pornographers: eventually you're going to hit on what those non-porn-watching women like. Unfortunately, it'll probably be Twilight.
Kennedy Summers is just doing adult photos to pay her way to college...well, more than that: she's on her way to being a Doctor, and being Playmate of the Year 2014 might pay for a book or two. The link I put below is two non-porn-stars commenting on what they think about an adult model being a doctor and whether people will take her seriously. First: this isn't like becoming a Fox News commentator; becoming a doctor requires a fuckton of studying and passing tests, if she does the work and becomes a doctor, who cares what she did in college? It's not like being a talking head on TV, giving innane canned responses to dumb questions - that clearly takes no training at all.
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