My bookmarks file is getting too damn big! Just for the sake of
clearing things out, here's an extra-special edition of...

"Lorna Morgan"
takes a bath on the deck with her big-ass natural tits.
They're a pretty good set, with a few disturbing ones tossed in for good
measure. While I'm not the kinda guy that finds
drooling while brushing your teeth sexy, there must be
someone out there looking for it.
Don't be fooled by the
title: the site is not "Plane Treanna" -- it's actually "Planet Reanna,"
and a girl,
who we can only assume is
"Reanna," take a nicely soapy bath
in very soft light. Unlike most normal bathers, she wears large, dangly earrings in the bath...but I'm not complaining.
Much like
this lady, whose page says she belongs to some guy named "Leroy." She took great care to apply her makeup before bathing, no doubt to enhance the "I'm bored yet acting sexy" expression on her face throughout the photos. The
ill-named "Shellylicious" (I'll bet she got picked on in junior high) did have the courtesy to put on her makeup for the bath, and made sure to outline her eyes in dark makeup so we'd know she wasn't missing them like some sightless cave lizard. Still, she knows how to enjoy being photographed in the bath: I'd wash her back for a smile.
Jessi Capelli has taken this "look" to another level: her expression varies from
blank erotic to
brain melting. Good for her, though; telekenetics are in short supply in pornography.
this gal, who might be named "Kira Dreams," or else the website is simply stating as fact that, yes, Kira is able to dream, and does so at times. She's so cheery in the bath that one wonders if she just likes the bath that much or if she's that happy all the time.
"Brooke", from Planet Brooke, is a bit hard to read: she seems like
she's being sexy in the bath, but she's got her lips pursed like she's annoyed at being interrupted in the bath. It might also be the dark outlined eyes, too, but she does take a very bubbly bath, so you might not be looking 'up there'.
"Mandy", as presented by Real Big Racks,
actually does, in fact, have a big rack. She also doesn't wear makeup in the bath, which is always a plus. She's also a little on the 'bigger' size (from the viewpoint of someone looking at size-1 porngirls with the physical build of a teenaged boy), and I kinda like seeing that. She's someone that might actually put out for the losers that look at online porn for fun.
"Amy" claims to be
my latina dream girl, but the last time I dreamed of a latina girl, she was working at a she store and I was wearing a clown costume and couldn't find the bathroom...but that's just what I dream, you might have something else in mind. Anyways, Amy starts out poorly, with a bunch of dressed photos, but once she gets in the bath things get nice, so make sure to scroll down.
If you like videos, the guys at Dooza have two samples for you from a bathing-focused DVD.
Both start with
long videos of a woman washing herself in a bubbly bath, and end up with sex in the bath...something for
everybody! Skin Up...oh, wait, is that "Vip"? Anyways, they've got
two preview videos besides the sex vids, which are all quite good. "18 and Busty"
has a set of 4 videos, all short, but when put together make for a pleasant viewing.
"Jenny" is just out of high school and living in the dorms -- which must be the best kick-ass dorms ever because they've got wrought-iron bathtubs and windows everywhere. I don't think I've ever been in a girl's dorm bathroom that would be adequate for a sexy bubble bath, but this "Jenny" is lucky; hers allows her to get plenty soapy for our benefit.
The Met Art galleries I've seen are impressive: nice lighting, nice setting, very "Playboyish", but I don't encounter them enough. Here's a nice set for those of you who like both
soapy and wet t-shirts: they don't try hard by naming the model or having some canned "I'm 18 and love anal sex" comment. Just pics, and good ones at that.
very concerned about this gal, though: I've seen her elsewhere on the net, but this website says I can videochat with her --
right now -- and she'll do anything I say. Do they realize how hard it is on the skin to leave her in the bath, all day long, waiting for me to chat? I've even checked back at 3am to see if they take it down to let her sleep, but no dice: she's in the bath 24 hours a day. Poor, poor girl.