 A soft noise down the hall woke me up -- I slipped on my pajama pants and went to see what it was, faint morning light slipping in between the curtains, my half-erect cock peeking out the fly. In the den I found Donna in just her thigh-highs waiting for me:
Sasha's dark hair and opaque eyes might not seem all that inviting, but my guess is after she relaxes in the bath, lets the warm water flow between her breasts and legs, she'll much more receptive to whatever you've got to give her...
 Leave it to Japan to come up with something sexy just for sexy sake -- I can imagine that product development meeting: "OK, you know that lame gunk we can't sell in average packaging, let's pick something different, something...sexy?" "Let's sell it in tit form!" "BRILLIANT!" via
 The welding jackets I've seen and used before mostly looked like high school letter jackets -- cloth torso, leather sleeves, usually two different colors. Which was fine, they did their job, and after a few months the sleeves had pinpricks of black all over them. Now, I find they've got some kick-ass black welding jackets:  The biggest thing that pisses me off about these jackets is that the manufacturers put their logos all over them; free advertising, I guess -- but these guys have ones with less logo (just an embossed one) that could pass for less lame than the one above. I used the picture of the one above from Tillman/Onyx because it shows how the jacket fits better. As a fan of straight lines, I think welding jackets are excellent. They have a short collar, seams reinforced and hidden as much as possible, and the sleeves don't taper at the wrists. The buttons down the front are (or just look) a little off-center, to cover up the opening better, and the pockets are usually big enough to accommodate a gloved hand. They're also a bit longer than a lot of other black leather jackets, so while they look kinda like a motorcycle jacket, they're looser and cover the belt line, and have a more casual look...plus they'll fit guys like me, with a little waist, better. They're a little heavier than your average leather jacket, so it's probably getting too warm for them now that summer's here, but you might want to save your pennies and have one ready for cool fall weather.
 It's nice to see some lingerie in porn these days; too many are quick to get it off (in more ways than one). Beautiful Simi here takes her time, giving her lacy bra and panties the respect they deserve; the slow reveal of her weighty breasts is worth the wait.
 Some wannabe comedian wrote the 18 Tenets of Manliness for MSN's Men's Lifestyle section (an oxymoron to begin with). The list kinda sucks, in that pretensious, "hey, babe, sleep with me, I'm not a fratboy" fratboyness of a twentysomething who can't get laid. The real thing to read, though, is the response at Fark to the article. They manage to show exactly what a man is: less worried about what makes for manliness, and more interested in calling other people a douchebag. The era of the Man Law is here!
produces this entry in the Pro-Ject line of audio equipment: The Genie 2. It's what it looks like what you'd have if you trimmed everything off a record player except for the basic necessary things to get sound off the vinyl. Then, they used the highest quality parts for those remaining pieces. The high-torque motor is decoupled from the turntable's base, it uses a high-quality (but relatively low-cost) Ortofon OM 3E, and the tonearm, bearings, and platter are all finely tuned and balanced. It's high-end audio with a middling pricepoint. via
 A pretty smile, a willing attitude, sudsy bubbles to splash around in -- Meggan knows everything I like!
 I'm not sure what happened -- maybe she was skinny-dipping, maybe taking part in some late-night nude running through the sprinklers at the gold course, maybe she just finished her shower and is slipping into my bed...any which way, the lights are low, Amanda's skin is glistening wet, and she's ready to get a little more steamy:
 I've been trying to add some men's fashion commentary to this site: sure, show pictures of some fine ass, but then let guys know what to do to get their hands on some of that ass in the real world. However, men's fashion today sucks. On one hand, you've got the self-referential kitsch of Kool-Aid-Man t-shirts and paisley big-collared dress shirts; on the other end, fine suits and shoes with tassels. If you'll remember, the official name of this blog is "Sex is a Red-Blooded Thing," and men's fashion seems to be straying away from the red-blooded, blue-collar American vein. Even cowboy gear is frilly and flamboyant 90% of the time; have we so soon forgotten about how women swoon over a guy who can fix her car or build a bookshelf?Enough with the manifesto shit -- today, we meet one of my favorite shirts: Dickie's 1574. I had three of these (from an old job), blue, with my name embroidered over the left breast pocket and a line of stains across it right above where it tucks into my pants. I did save one of them, keeping it stain-free as much as possible, and it's my favorite for getting- dressed- up- without- being- dressed- up.  The douche in the picture looks like he wouldn't know one hammer from another, but he's got the shirt thing right: plain white Hanes underneath, so you don't pit the shirt out and you don't look like you're showing off your chest hair due to that low top button. Button-down breast pockets are the sure thing to look like you drive something that beeps when it backs up.
 People are awfully imaginative -- how else would things like invisible walking dogs and every imaginable iPod accessory ever come into existence -- so you have to think that people would use that imagination on sex. Everybody likes sex, some people are disappointed in it, so of course people are going to put their noggins to improving things. Kasidie has a list of several of the strangest, from vagina bongs to sex-augmenting tampons. You'll quickly see why your corner sex shop doesn't have these in stock. via
 Clue: a game of strategy for people who like finding out they're really the murderer, after spending an hour eliminating everyone else as a suspect. However, when it comes to architecture, Clue is the best game around -- especially this premiere, three-dimensional version:
 You spend all day at thirty thousand feet, sitting backwards in the plane, jumping whenever anyone pushes that dumb button...you need some time to unwind, relax, get your g-spot tickled by a fellow stewardess, just the usual. I'd say the bright red underwear is probably the wrong choice with a white shirt...but who am I to complain?
 I love long, curly hair, like this lovely lady has in spades. Plenty to grab a handful of, or feel on my face, draping down while she rides me like a good stallion should be ridden:
 Heidi Klum isn't one to shy away from showing off her fine body, and what we've got here is the opportunity to worship her soft skin, while enjoying the talented hand of a fine body artist:
 I don't know how Met Art does it -- they take such great pictures without them looking either cheesy or slutty. Leixa, the young lady below, managed to get herself clean while making me feel oh so very dirty; I think that's her objective, and she's delightfully successful.
 Think you can tell 'em apart? I consider myself a bit of a conniseur of the breast, but I had a bit of trouble; I only got 17 out of 30 right in this test. Either I can't tell a real tit if it hit me in the face, or fakes are getting really good. I must admit, I've never encountered a fake breast in the wild, not one that I could actually examine...if there are any volunteers, please let me know the easiest way for me to get a "hold" of you. via