 Every so often, you need to clean out between the cushions of your couch. Just look at how much change I found, along with some naked chick that never went home. It's a treasure trove!
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 Ask Gracie: I'm not a big fan of shaved legs. Now, any legs that I'm allowed to caress are good legs, but freshly-shaved legs are too salamander-like for my liking. So, as you might guess, these tights don't scare me off. Hairy legs attached to a sexy lady are far from a dealbreaker for me. Sorry, Sun, you've only piqued my interest by making a cute girl look hairier than usual.
 Like Wednesday, I really gotta stop blogging while hungry. It's not like I'm that picky: I'll eat a penis cake that looks like a penis. I know it's Betty Crocker and not a real penis. It's no big deal to me. But, when I take my penis cake to eat in the park, people get bitchy when you whip it out. This lady has figured out how to eat a penis cake without the police being called, and for that she's a hero.
 Ever been someplace wearing nothing but your underwear, and don't know where to put your keys? I know it's happened to me a brazillion times, and now there's a Kickstarter that is selling just that. I suppose they're good for preventing pickpockets, but I always carry too much crap in my pockets, I'll either give the wrong impression or injure myself. Any which way, this guy roadtested them, in case you're wondering how they work.
 God damn it, I need to stop blogging while hungry. Caveman Circus shows us their award-winning hamburger recipe, and now I gotta figure out where I left my meat grinder. Tasty stuff.
 It's sad when Playboy has to get it's content from Sports Illustrated, isn't it? Well, I guess the epicness of Kate Upton's awesome tits covered in nothing but a thin layer of paint isn't to be missed any which way.
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 Ever think, "boy, I with I could take artsy pictures, but getting a camera is just too easy?" Well, the Lomo guys have released the Konstruktor, an assemble-it-yourself kit that's delivered as parts on a sprue with a tiny screwdriver and a set of instructions.
 What more heinous thing could happen than this? Several cars are broken into in one neighborhood, but one person had more than just CDs and pens from banks in their car: this woman had $500 in sex toys stolen from her trunk. Of course, they weren't "her" sex toys - they were for somebody else's bachelorette party.... riiiiighhhttt..... but if it was a bunch of stuff, it probably was really a bachelorette party. If she was doing right, $500 in good sex toys isn't really a whole lot. You can get a whole lot of stupid penis-shaped straws and blow-up sheep for $500, and it's no wonder it lived in her car. Nobody leaves the good stuff that far out of reach.
 The Tumblr blog JustAnotherIKEACatalog actually does something more than just steal other people's content: they research the furniture in the background of porn videos, and adds an IKEA-style product description over the video. I always wondered what that side-table was during that one CFNM blowjob scene. Now I can buy one for myself! Get to the site soon; apparently IKEA is considering suing.
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 Tourists taking a nice ride on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad got a shock: they saw boobs! Granted, anyone showing off their boobs to random trains full of tourists is an asshole, but they got the attention they wanted, so all that'll mean is more boobs.
So, now, I would totally take a train ride through the mountains if it means getting to see some boobs, so maybe, just maybe, narrow-gauge railroad people, you can turn lemons into lemonade and make this a selling point. If you can't beat them, why not make a buck off the drunk idiots?
 A man in Arizona had his artist son build a gargoyle for his front yard -- my guess is to scare away scorpions or whatever lives in Arizona besides old people -- but his neighbors went to the police because they want to avoid seeing a huge gargoyle wang. He says it's his constitutional right of expression, which it is, but did you see that wang? Seriously, it's not much fun to look at, I agree.
 Online porn gal ValMidwest gained a very specific set of followers when she started her adult business: her ex-classmates at Catholic school. Now, I'd totally expect Catholic students to pay through the nose to watch porn and feel bad afterwards, but all they really wanted to do was bully Val into feeling bad about herself.
Seriously, Christians -- is that how you live your lives? Judging others and being dicks about it? So, Val responded by being unChristian herself, and tresspassed at her old school to do naughty things to a crucifix. Of course, the so-called Christians didn't like that, but at least they're being more Christian about it by just praying instead. You do that, Jesus jerkoffs, and in the future just pray for people's souls instead of harrassing them. The world will be a better place, and wouldn't Jesus want that?
 It started as a simple shower; just get in, wash up, get ready for work. Her mind wandered as she washed her hair, and then as her hands slipped across her soapy body, her finders found their way between her legs. Looks like the roommates aren't going to have any hot water when they get up...
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 Hey, everyone - it turns out that breast massage may help prevent cancer. Which reminds me of something I helped Gracie make at Sex~Kitten many, many years ago - how to give awesome breast massages. You're welcome.
 After MiKandi released their porn app for Google Glass, the powers-that-be at Google quietly rewrote their TOS to exclude adult content from Google Glass applications. For being the "cool" kid, Google is being just as lame as Apple when it comes to adult content. C'mon, Google, don't be that guy.
Anyhow, MiKandi now has to trash all their hard work and come up with an app with fewer boobs. Like it's even worth the effort. If you can't carry around douchey electronics and watch porn in public, I don't know why I'd even buy technology at all.
 I'm usually a denim and 50/50 poly-cotton t-shirt kind of guy. Nothing fancy, nothing frilly or overindulgent, something comfortable and unremarkable.
Then I see this. God damn, this has to be the most girly thing I've ever seen. For cryin' out loud, it's made by a lingerie company called "Lovely Day Lingerie". But you know what? I would totally wear the shit out of these if they weren't just boxers--aw, fuck yeah, they come in full-length pants.
Seriously, guys, silky pajamas are awesome. Guys used to wear pajamas all the time, but it has since fallen out of fashion and guys just wear underwear or go au naturel to bed. If your job doesn't allow you the luxury of wearing nice clothes all day, remember you spend a third of your day in bed. Try out some silky pajamas, they're comfy, cool, don't bind while rolling around in bed, and they just feel great. I used to have a couple pair of silk boxers that I wore until they fell apart, and then I forgot about them. Good thing my birthday is coming up, eh, Gracie?
 As with any new technology, as soon as porn gets a taste of the tech, it takes off - so you can expect Google Glass to become the standard for facial interfaces because in mere minutes somebody's going to make a Google Glass porn app for the masses. The app company MiKandi is just about ready to release it, even though only other app developers actually have Google Glass, but we all know how horny programmers are. They'll make eleventy-gillion dollars despite only twelve pairs of Google Glass have been sent out. It's that good. Just look how much Megyn Kelly loves it: