Cosmopolitan, genius of all things sexual,
has tips on how to look sexy in lingerie. Here's the one and only thing you need to know ladies: First, you put on lingerie, then you show us that you're wearing lingerie, then you take it off in front of us, and then whatever happens next happens. End of story. Seriously, that's about it. "Exercise the night before" is about the most productive of their paltry three ideas, but, hey, if you're regularly exercising the night before everything, you're probably doing a pretty good job on keeping in shape and are confident about your looks anyhow. Confidence that we want to see you in lingerie is important, and believe you me, if you're having sex with a guy, he'd like to see you in lingerie from time to time. It's hot, don't paint yourself with bronzer to get some weird 'look' that you think we want.