You need to realize, ladies: if you show your boobs in public and post a video online, you're probably going to get caught.
First it was a church, and now someone named Kendra Sunderland posted
a video of herself baring her breasts in the Oregon State University library on the internet, and -- who knew? -- somebody recognized both her and where she was at, put two and two together,
and now she was arrested for being too sexy for school. There's some insinuation that she didn't actually distribute the film, it looks like she's just camming with someone, but any which way it should be no surprise that the video ended up viewable by everyone. Most of the news articles I saw said she was masturbating, and I didn't watch the entire video, but there didn't seem to be enough self-touching to count as 'masturbation', but then again one source was
Cosmo, whose masturbation knowledge is generally suspect, and OSU students who are surprised that this is, of course, the
first time in the history of everything that somebody bared their tits in that library.