Posts Tagged 'Ebay'

Babe Not Included!

Now this is the motherfucking definition of 'sex sells'. eBay seller "babenotincluded" has made it his business model to display all of his motorcycle parts being held by a nearly-naked women. God Bless America, people. Sadly, I've seen less brazen cases of this taken down by eBay for obscenity, so your chance to see the pictures may be a timed event. They're definitely worth seeing.


Von Teese Packard!

Star of Oddities and Professional Burlesque-Steamabilly-Whosit Dita Von Teese is selling her 1939 Packard 120 on eBay, probably because the miles are getting up there and it's about time to pick up a late-model 1941 Willys or something. The auction includes a variety of photos of little bits of the Packard with a Dita Von Teese standing in front of it. It's too bad, she's so photogenic but she can't find a real photographer. All the pictures are shifted green and vignetted around the edges, it's like they're using a Happy Meal camera from the 1980s. Maybe she's selling the car to afford photography lessons for a friend. You've got a couple hours to get your bid in.

Vintage Porn Negatives!

eBay seller ladiesonfilm is selling a huge archive of original negatives of porn magazine photography. How he got it, I can only wish I knew, and I'll be rightly pissed if it turns out these are fakes. However, the variety of poses, particularly unappealing and toss-off poses, would lead me to believe that ladiesonfilm fell into a huge archive of a porn photographer's negatives, and is now sharing with the world. Awesome.


Today Show Nude!

I never realized the Today Show was so edgy: after traveling to the New York Academy of Art, the four anchors each painted their own nude painting. Oh, no! exclaimed NBC censors, a nude painting has - omygod - genitals, let's cover those up right away! So, when the paintings, designated to be sold for charity, appeared on TV, tape was placed on the abstract genitals that Matt Lauer had so carefully crafted with his own two hands. The anchors told themselves, fuck this, the internet will tell us what's appropriate to show on TV! One online poll later, and the censor's tape was removed. The four paintings all sold on eBay, with Meredith Viera's painting (rightly so) drawing the highest bids. Excellent work, Today Show pornographers - so many young children will now be sent to a life of drug use because of Al Roker's nude.

eBay Boobs!

I don't know that this eBay seller will get by with this for long -- but as the old adage goes, "sex sells". And, from looking at this seller's closed auctions, sex also sells tickets to sporting events.