Posts Tagged 'Men's Underwear'

Ron Burgundy Undies!

He's got a movie coming out, a memoir hot off the presses, a Newseum display (wait, really, Newseum?) now Ron Burgundy has his own line of contrast-piping retro tighty-whities for sale. Now, if only they come with their own Christina Applegate, well, I'd have to be in my bunk for a while. This isn't a joke -- Burgundy is only inches away from being a Colbert -- and Jockey is apparently happy to have him as their spokesanchor. Stay classy, underwear industry!


Rubber Undies!

I haven't worn rubber undies since I was 2 and still wetting the bed, but then I guess I was just a fashion trendsetter. William Wilde has designed rubber latex underwear for men; no word on if it comes with a free carton of diaper rash creme. I'm sure these aren't meant for daily-wear, and more for the kind of event where nobody's underwear stays on for very long. Apparently Mr. Wilde is usually a conniseur of wrapping the female form in rubber, so I guess he's branching out into the untapped market of men who want glisteningly-smooth crotches. Is there a "Barbie's Boyfriend Ken" line?
