Brand Spanking!
A saucy billboard ad in the metropolitan Pittsburgh area is causing citizens to wince
The billboard ad shows a picture of a dominatrix from the chest down and the caption "Do a Little Brand Spanking" and was put up by The Fitting Group, an advertising agency that specializes in branding products.
Salacious, isn't it? I had to actually go to The Fitting Group's website to find a copy of the billboard image -- here you go:
Me, I saw that on the billboard? I'd laugh -- but I'm not most people, too. Supposedly, Fitting has a related brochure that recommends self-discovery with "a little ouch and a lot of aha!" On one hand, domination is a desire in the marketplace, and marketing firms are trying to sell that. Take the increasingly mainstream dom subculture, toss that in -- viola, right? I hope it works out for them; So many ad/marketing firms have generic & blah ways of selling themselves. This one uses a little sex (something advertisers admit sells a product) and makes their self-advertisments unique.
So, unique post aside -- OBLIGATORY SOAPY PIX!