I never realized the Today Show was so edgy: after traveling to the New York Academy of Art, the four anchors each painted their own nude painting. Oh, no! exclaimed NBC censors, a nude painting has - omygod -
genitals, let's cover those up right away! So, when the paintings, designated to be sold for charity, appeared on TV, tape was placed on the abstract genitals that Matt Lauer had so carefully crafted with his own two hands. The anchors told themselves, fuck this, the
internet will tell us what's appropriate to show on TV! One online poll later, and the censor's tape was removed.
The four paintings all sold on eBay, with Meredith Viera's painting (rightly so) drawing the highest bids. Excellent work, Today Show pornographers - so many young children will now be sent to a life of drug use because of Al Roker's nude.