Porn Spam 4!

This is actually a followup to an earlier post where I recieved spam without any links in it. It's possible that they DIDN'T send the links, possible that the links were stripped out by the naughty way they sent email (want an explanation? email me, or maybe my email program was being stupid.
Anyway -- and this is amazing -- I got ANOTHER COPY of the same spam message! Isn't that wild? That never happens, right?
The message reads:
(their HTML, not mine). The link goes to asite at "", whose existence shows up in a spam blacklist but nowhere else. Just entering the domain name - nothing; you have to go directly to the spam content, which is...
A single webpage, with a screenshot of someone else's porn website! The screenshot is a link to the affiliate ID at This page is decidedly non-pornographic -- there's some very tiny pictures of nude people; wether or not they are actually famous is tough to tell. The huge Cristina Aguilera is famous, but non-nude.
The popups self-replicate, and some are very hardcore; if you're hoping that 'nude celebrities' is just going to get you some softcore nudie pictures, you've got the added advantage of facials, ass penetration, and other nastiness in popups that you can't get rid of. Again, that's plenty reason to turn most people off.
This site is nice enough to have a 'if you're not 18, go here' link that sends you to an obscure search engine called " It's also popup happy. Interetingly, it has a lewd banner at at the bottom of the page; it seems to be set up as a way to keep visitors from leaving the realm of influence of this webmaster.
The site is part of an affiliate program known as "pinkpays Their 2257 disclosure is happily full of producer information, also demonstrating that this site doesn't produce it's own content. The end of the disclosure refers to the site as "Sex Centerfolds;" the statement is hosted at love porn sites with nothing original....or IS there?
I click on the 'preview' link, to see what they have to show. Wow -- Britney Spears spreading her legs in an obvious manner towards the camera?! Amazing! Amazingly photoshopped, that is. They throw in a bunch of actresses' names, without showing anything about they mean 'see your favorite stars photoshopped into porn films?" or do they mean "subsribe for our expensive product to see the movie sex scenes that you could rent at Blockbuster for a couple bucks"? Oooh, Paris Hilton tapes! Can't find those anywhere else! Over 500 BJ cams? and film stars just happen to have cameras around while they give blow jobs? Please...the only stars you'll probably see there are porn stars, who have sex on camera for a living; not Cameron Diaz or Britney Spears.
They keep talking about getting a free day pass, but I can't figure it out...fill in the non-bank informaiton they ask for -- and they send you to an online billing service. Some 'free' pass -- you gotta sign up, and make sure you cancel the right way otherwise you're stuck paying for something you didn't want.
I hope I start getting some interesting spams soon -- who the hell buys this crap? All the sites are 'pay us $40, we'll give you something, but we won't tell you what it is, and we won't back up what we say with any facual information. Also, there's no way to figure out exactly who you're doing business with, so don't bother trying to figure it out. Just send money."
I will say, however, the graphic design quality of all the sites I've seen are all pretty good -- not the work of some computer newbie with nothing but Microsoft FrontPage. Someone is investing time and knowledge in these sites; they must have some value in there. Who knows; I might start to find repeating designs...'porn site templates' -- I think I'm on to something! Send me money, big investors -- I'm on to something!
*phew* Go find something interesting. Don't read spams; they're not worth it.