Porn Spam 3!

Boy, give your email address to a porn site, you get spam back x-fold! Nice thing is, now I have a lot to review for you nice people!
This week: Top Ten Orgasms! The email subject line was: "Let's Make Some Noise!" The content was a single image with top orgasms #3 to #10. #4 and #3 are rather explicit, but the rest are mostly just women with their eyes closed and mouths open. I suppose, given the content of the website, I could assume they're having an orgasm, but the rest of me thinks they may have just been photographed mid-sneeze. #4 and #3 have explanations of why they ranked in the top 25% of all orgams, ranging from "When she cums ,her whole body starts shaking spasmodically" to "She mostly uses her hands to pleasure herself while viciously biting on a vibrating dildo."; I seem to remember a blonde joke about dildos and chipped teeth...but I digress.
The site itself is horrid with pop-ups -- they all regenerate when closed. Were it not for my obligation to review the site, I'd probably have left immediately. The top ten here are completely different -- they judges must have awarded a whole new bath of orgasms since I recieved my email! These pictures are much more subdued: yes, breasts, but no images of 'pink,' or any actual contact -- there's one image implying a woman recieving oral sex, but there's no direct contact shown. Overall, it meets an R rating, and is similar to the overseas limitations on porn. There's not much to get off on, other than what must have gone on to cause the orgasms pictured. What they want is for you to click on anything...
There, you get directed to a signup page, asking for your bank info. The site does offer a 'free trial', if you give them your credit card (no doubt on the expectation that you will be charged, unless you meet their cancellation requirements in three days). The support link goes to". They bill via, a service we've seen before on other porn sites. The info page sends the data to a site called "," a site that has no content but the signup process for porn sites.
Overall: A very generic porn site. The teaser doesn't indicate you'd see anything other than women having sex and achieving orgasm, something you can find for free all over the internet. The pick a top ten - but how do you rank it? What they seem to think ranks high (convulsions, chewing dildos) borders on hilarious to me, and not likely to turn me on. The payment process seems singular, and US-driven, using an outside payment processor. Why come back? I don't know, other than to jump through hoops and cancel the free test-drive.