More Porn Spam!
Here's one for you:
ReturnPath: ( Hottest celebs of hollywood caught on camera in the raw. see your favorite celeb exposed on thousands of videos and pictures. See all your favorite stars caught being naughty
From: "Liliana Garcia" (
Reply-To: "Liliana Garcia" (
Subject: interest hollywood stars in the raw
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 07:09:26 +0200
I wouldn't normally have reviewed this email -- but after the THIRD porn spam email that's not selling anything (no links, no titles, no websites), I had to bring this stupidity to everyone's attention. They weren't even sneaky enough to put their websites into their email addresses -- the three emails listed in the header are all 'vanity' addresses hosted by an email farm. I've seen ones for prescriptions, loans, etc -- spammers get stupider and stupider as time goes on. They can't even piss people off right.
The email intrigues me, tho -- I'd like to see my favorite public (pubic?) figures getting naughty. Thousands of videos, you say? In the raw, you say? I'd love to come see these movies and pictures, maybe even pay money for them! What's that? You're not going to tell me where it is? I am so sad.