Sex Addiction = Bullshit!

With all this Tiger Woods and David Duchovny and 80-Something Indian Politician in the news, sex addiction treatment is all the rage. Too bad it's all bullshit. Doctors can't diagnose sex addiction, because it's not a DSM-approved disease (and, really, most sex-related psychiatric diseases were tossed out years ago), and falls more under the realm of a non-addiction compulsion, something like OCD or impulsivity limitations. Sex addiction is a case of treating the symptoms - the sex - and not treating the actual impulsive drive which is more likely to be the clinically-treatable issue. So, try this, Discovery Channel, here's a new TV show idea: take all the compulsives - the hoarders and the shopaholics and the sex addicts - and put them in a single house together, with Dr Drew, Dr Sanjay Gupta, the Charm School asshole, and toss in the team from Ghost Hunters International just for fun, and you'll have the greatest exploitative show in the history of television.

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