Tennessee's Electric Power Board, a government entity which provides utilities to the region, also provides Cable TV service. When they decided to add PPV porn, the shit hit the fan. The EPB's response: we're the government, censoring porn on moral grounds constitutes a First Amendment violation. You're God damn right it is. Notice how Republican senator David Fowler has no problem with a socialist utility company - those god damned socialists are ruining the competition! - but when the utility provides a customer-desired service - god damned capitalists, doing what the market wants! - the Conservative Republican is outraged - outraged! - that they can't control the socialist utility's capitalistic decision to provide a particular product because it violates the citizen's 1st Amendment rights. There's so much fail in the Republican response, it makes me want to go buy pay-per-view porn in Tennessee just to spite those hypocrytical assholes. The biggest takeaway is this: only when a politican can control and benefit from something, are they for it. Fuck all y'all, you just voted for them, but what have you done for them since?

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