Gradeschool Phone Sex!

I love these stories so much: An Orange County school printed up a messload of T-shirts for their 'jog-a-thon', including a made-up phone number as part of the slogan, which they didn't expect anybody to actually dial - And, of course, when a phone number ends up in the news, it's gotta be an sex line. A 'she-male' sex line, no less - the AP leaves the type of sex-line the body, but Fox News put in the headline (she-males are a huger draw for their audience, you know). You might also want to ask, if the number was part of a slogan and nobody was supposed to dial it, how did the one 'parent' know it was a sex line? Reporters never ask the important questions. Despite the faux-pas, there's still a happy ending: the fun run raised $25,000 for activities, and nobody is screaming about being sexually violated by a grade school t-shirt. Still, it is not quite the "happy ending" Fox News viewers are hoping for when they read about she-males.

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