What's Wrong With Porn?
The Art of Manliness has gone traitor: they dare say bad things about pornography! Their points, however, do have some weight: but they're problems with pornography, not failures of pornography itself. Porn being a filthy industry? In many ways it is today - but that's a problem with how producers run their business, not pornography itself, and could be changed without making "ah, it's nude people having sex!" be the error - there's more than a handful of porn producers who treat their female talent and characters right; they're sadly the minority, but they didn't solve it by quitting the porn industry. It objectified women and gives unreasonable expectations of sex: dude, have you watched anything Hollywood has done in the past hundred years? That's entertainment! It's not pornography's nature, it's a problem with what people want to see and how it's presented to them. It messes with your sexual pleasure and "manly" confidence? Go to a fucking counselor, Nancy, because you're doing it wrong. Blame rock music for suicides, Victorian poetry for ennui, and crime on guns, because there's a casual connection which makes it easy to lay the blame on a single source - it's the American way! All the problems come down to one thing: Looking at naked people doing naughty things is freakin' fun, but lots of people are doing it wrong. ArtofMan, despite their accusations, does tend to lay blame at the user and consumer as the one to recognize a problem and do something about it with their own behavior; too bad they didn't put enough of that into their reasons porn is a problem.