Teens: Porn Lightweights!

A new study shows that teens look at an average of 87 hours of online porn a year: that works out to about 15 minutes a day, every day. I agree that it's wise to start out slow, but, man, they've got a long way to go to catch up with their adult counterparts - by my estimate, the average adult watches 87 hours of online porn a day, or something like that. It's a lot. My sampling may be off, though. The other chunks of teens' online time are devoted to looking at weight loss and personal improvement sites -- and, of course, the article has to swing into the "every stranger on the internet is a pedophile predator", which will only make Mom ban Face! book from her computer, which frees up a teen's time for more online porn, which Mom will blame on Dad. Everybody wins!

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