Serra Paylin's Debut

We heard that Hustler was hiring a Sarah Palin pornstar lookalike, and now we get to meet her. Billed as "Serra Paylin", in the fine tradition of LOLCat pornstar naming, she's obviously quite a bit younger than her namesake, but she does have the squarish jaw, high cheekbones, and smile-lines of the anti-women Alaskan governor. I can only hope she has the accent down; Hustler has deep pockets, enough to hire a dialect coach or two for the young lady to make the resemblance arousingly uncanny. Of course, once you get to the huge breasts and the willingness to fuck hot guys on camera, then the ! similarities starts to break down, but nobody's perfect, and while we can let your pornstars slip by with some imperfections it's a good thing we hold our VP candidates to such high expectations of perfection.

More on Nailin' Palin, which also says Nina Harley, a pal of my Gracie's, is playing Hillary Clinton.

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